Help Bring the Dyke Bars Back!
I know it seems like everyone and their momma has a Kickstarter campaign these days, and I get a lot of emails about different projects. But I don’t write about every one of them or CCL would just be a long list of super gay kickstarter projects. But this one tugged at my heart strings and I thought it was super relevant to my readers.
They sum it up pretty well in this little nugget “ALLEGED LESBIAN ACTIVITIES is a denim-clad, glitter-crusted power-ballad performance of the vanishing history of New Orleans dyke bars.”
That got my attention because I spent my honeymoon in New Orleans a few years back and we were really surprised and sad that there wasn’t a single lesbian bar in New Orleans. NOT A ONE!!!! Sure we hit up a couple gay bars with some beautiful Queens, but we definitely felt the loss of any real lesbian scene. So when the women of ALLEGED LESBIAN ACTIVITIES reached out, I had to give them a shout out. Take a look at their campaign and dig into your pockets and give something. ANYTHING is better then nothing. Come on, we have to support each other, otherwise we’ll keep losing what community we do have. And I happen to think this looks like a really cool project with a lot of talented women that are trying to save part of our history.