Using the Law of Attraction to Get a Girlfriend
I’m sure a lot of you have heard about the law of attraction and vision boards to manifest something you want in life. A lot of times people are focused on getting their dream job, house and car. Or maybe their dream body. But how many of you have ever thought of using this to get a girlfriend?
I know it might sound crazy. But I tried it a long time ago and it actually worked! So I thought I would just share that story with you so that if anyone wanted to try it out themselves, they could have a little fun with it.
When I was single, I found dating in the lesbian community to be pretty hard. I had lots of first dates but really struggled to find anyone that I really connected to on a deeper level. There are plenty of attractive lesbians in Los Angeles, and I am grateful for that. Finding a physical attraction was never too hard, but when it came down to more than that, well … I was finding the LA dating pool a bit shallow when it came to deeper things. So I did what any LA girl does when she can’t find a date. I got witchy with it and cast a spell. Or the more politically correct version would be, I used the law of attraction to attract a girlfriend.
Yes, really.
For those of you not from LA, there are plenty of witchy chicks here. I think it has to do with all the yoga and veganism. I don’t mean Wiccans (although there are plenty of those) I just mean wild hippie chicks that do a little magic/science on the side whenever needed. So don’t freak out. Now back to the spell … I mean formula.
It was actually very simple. You may have already heard of others doing this, and the reason people keep talking about it, is because it worked for them. So here it is:
Make a list of what you want in a partner and WRITE IT DOWN.
I’m serious. List every thing that is really important to you. But not every little nit picky thing, that really you could just get over. Because you don’t want to miss the love of your life over some petty stuff that you could over look, especially if she dings all your big bells.
Sure you can list physical attributes that you’re attracted to. But more importantly list things about who they are as a person. How do they make you feel? What kind of relationship do you want? And don’t forget things like financial security if that’s important to you. Because if that’s vital to you, and you fall for someone who can’t fulfill that need for you, it’s going to cause you both stress.
I remember the night I made my list. I had been out with a group of friends to a local bar and the night’s conversation centered around dating, as usual. By the end of the night I realized that I was tired of dating around and I wanted to know what it felt like to really be in a committed relationship with another woman. I had started to feel that pang in your chest when you actually long for something more than what you seem to be able to find. I was tired of playing all these games that LA lesbians seemed to love so much. I just really wanted to fall in love. But even more than that, I wanted her to fall in love with me.
So late that night, I got home and decided I was going to try this experiment out. I had heard other people tell me it worked for them, so why not at least give it a shot?
I just sat down at my desk and wrote down, with pen and paper (I think that might add to it, so just do it) wrote down a comprehensive list of my dream girlfriend. It went something like this:
I want to be in a happy and healthy relationship with a sexy tomboy or butch.
I want her to be athletic and confident.
I want to be her type as much as she is my type.
I want her to have a good career and be ambitious.
I want her to be well educated.
I want her to WANT to be the provider. But not be threatened by my own career.
I want her to be a good, kind person that loves animals.
I want her to be very independent but also very caring.
I wrote it all out in a journal and than ripped it out and folded it up so that I could carry it around in my wallet.
They say you should read it over again every day and night, especially before going to sleep at night. But to be honest, I sort of just forgot about it. I went on my way dating a lot of the wrong girls, and having fun doing it.
Fast forward a few months later and I found myself on a date with Remi. It wouldn’t be until about a year into our relationship that I would remember that list I had made. I was actually shocked at how she embodied everything I had written down. Things that I thought I would never find in the same person, but there she was. Very real and very much everything on my list of what my dream partner would be. It wasn’t a direct line from my list to her. There were one or two detours along the way, but like magnets, once we found each other we couldn’t be kept apart.
Ok so maybe it’s not a “spell” in the Hollywood way of boiling cauldrons and lit candles. But you are literally spelling out your desires to the universe. And call it what you will, law of attraction, witchcraft, aligning with your highest good, vision board, spell, scripting, manifesting … call it whatever you want. Call it a prayer if that makes you feel better. It could also be a little psychology too. In the way that once you really identify what you want and need in a happy relationship, you’re more likely to recognize those things when you see them in others.
One more quick tip: Write it out as if it’s already happened. Write it as if you’re already in this amazing relationship and you’re happy and excited about it. And as you write it out, really let yourself FEEL how this is going to feel. You can try writing it both ways, just go with whichever version feels the best.
Anyways, it’s really that simple. But feel free to make it super charged if you want. You can write it on a full moon or a new moon. You can light candles. You can burn it after or bury it. You can use pictures. You can do it any way that feels right. The more you can feel the better, so go wild. Bring out your inner witchy goddess vibes and see what happens! One last witchy tip: rose quartz is the crystal of divine love, so feel free to use as much as you like if so inclined.
Taking notes……… lol!
Do you believe in zodiac sign compatibility Sasha? If the answer is yes, what signs did you had the best and worst relationships with?
So glad that you found the love of your life, and that you are both happy after all the years together. <3
I have done a similar thing (I wrote my wishes in a journal; did not carry it around), and forgot about it as months passed and I became focused on other things. Then, about a year into the relationship with my (masc-presenting, non-binary) spouse, I remembered the note. It was a perfect description of them, with only one inconsequential detail missing! Most notably, I asked the Universe/Higher Powers/Gods for "someone presenting and acting masculine, but without the bullshit". The more rational readers will see in this the effects of a crystallized goal, rather than a favourable alignment of stars and destiny, but if it works, it works. 🙂