STYLE IS FREEDOM is this cool fashion brand that I came across earlier this year when I was looking for birthday presents for Remi. Trying to find clothes for a tomboi is always notoriously difficult. I usually end up buying her men’s clothing that doesn’t fit quite right or a few women’s pieces that are as androgynous as possible. But no matter where I looked in the big stores, the pickings were slim. Then I came across Style is Freedom online and they had these super cute TOMBOI basketball shorts and I knew I had to get them. I ended up getting them in blue and black and grabbed up one of their TOMBOI hats and hoped they would fit her and that she would like them. (Disclaimer I stole the hat back for myself.)
A few days later when the order arrived, I was stoked to see her reaction to them. She LOVED them. I mean, she really really loved them! Which is hard to do, she’s the most difficult person in the world to buy gifts for so this was a big deal. But not only did she love the style of them, she mentioned right away the quality. The quality of the shorts and hat was on point. Better than expected honestly, because so many times women’s clothing is made with lesser quality materials and whatnot then mens clothing.( ps: they have now gone through the wash about 20 times and look as good as new still.) So to buy something so specific, like for tombois and have it be made of high quality materials AND look good!? Hell yea and thank you STYLE IS FREEDOM. Because you know what? Style IS about freedom! But it’s hard to feel free when you can’t find any clothes that truly suit you. Which is why this company really hit home for us. As much as this sounds like a sponsored post, it isn’t. I bought the items myself, months ago and only recently reached out to them to tell them I wanted to share them with my readers.
I went back to the site and took a look around to see what I could find out about this new brand and I can’t say it any better then the they did:
Created in 2008 by TONI BRANSON with the purpose of liberating and celebrating the TOMBOI culture through fashion. TONI was determined to create a safe space in fashion for the masculine identifying woman to exist. She wanted STYLE IS FREEDOM to be the face of the TOMBOI culture and create a liberating message for the genderless fashion movement. The image of the TOMBOI needed to be redefined and liberated. Clothing is created to make you feel good, look good and bring you comfort. TONI defines a TOMBOI as a TALENTED ORIGINAL MOTIVATED BRILLIANT OUTSTANDING INDIVIDUAL and her motto is YOUR STYLE IS YOUR FREEDOM because its just that simple!
Now if that doesn’t just sum up SOOOOOO much of what I’ve been talking about here on CCL and will continue to talk about. I love that!! And they are so right, fashion is such a big part of how we are able to tell the world who we are. It’s a way of expression and the more freedom you have to express yourself through fashion, the more free you really are. You can test this theory by going to a country where women aren’t allowed to dress the way they want, where being gay is a crime punishable by death, or your Instagram can get you thrown in prison. We’re lucky here, we don’t have it that extreme at all. We are free to buy and wear what we want, for the most part. The problem comes in when you can’t find anything that really suits your personal style, something that embodies concepts and ideals that you’re down for. Something that represents you. Well, I think STYLE IS FREEDOM is an answer to a lot of those problems.
Check out their IG page here and you’ll see even more of their vibe and what they’re about.
But most definitely check out their store, because it’s almost Christmas and I think that they should be on every LGBTQ Gift Guide this season. Consider this your preview.
Some of my personal faves:
And Remi’s new favorite shorts:
Actually just check out all of their collections over at their site, but here are two of my other favorite collections from them.
I love this Don’t Police My Gender shirt. And it’s on sale!
I guess I’m more then a little happy to see a company like this exists. It’s Queer and Black Owned, which honestly makes it a hundred times cooler and more important, because we need to support small businesses within our own community. So when a company like this is producing high quality, edgy, cool fashion, we need to pay attention.
I like the look of the StyleIsFreedom ‘Don’t Police My Gender’ soft cotton crew neck cotton Tee shirts available in pink, blue and yellow, and I love the message! 🙂