The “other girl”
It has come to my attention from several sources, including that of my own personal opinion that the “other girl” has far outgrown that oversimplified pseudonym. After several rather mind-blowing dates she definitely deserves a new alias for future references in my simple little blog. But what shall I call her?
The girl ? Ummm maybe that’s a bit too much pressure on both of us!
Miss Right (now) … too cliche and slightly disrespectful since she is definitely more than just a flash in the pan. While it’s true that my track record does not bode well for long term anything … she has pointed out to me several times that it simply takes the right girl.
Maybe her pseudonym shouldn’t have the word “girl” anywhere in it. I could call her “young one” since she’s A LOT younger than I am. But that could have a detrimental affect on my future sex life, so let’s let that one go. She’s legal in at least 40 states and that’s all that matters.
Let’s see …. she’s an amazing athlete, a boxer and several other cool things that I can not write about in an attempt to protect her true identity. Hmmm…. SuperGirl would fit, just ask anyone who knows her. But that conjures up pictures of a girl in tights and a cape. Yea. No.
I know! We both love to shoot and one of our future dates is going to be at the range when I teach her how to shoot my Remington shotgun. I’ll call her Remi after my favorite firearm. I think that’s appropriate. She’s sort of like my favorite guns. Small but powerful. Cute but they pack a punch.
So there. The “other girl” has now graduated to a full grown alias all her own: Remi.
Stay tuned for future updates. Hopefully I won’t screw this one up.
that feeling that engulfs you, you do not have to name it. yet, “remi,” sounds age appropiate, (yes yes pun intended) how do you do justice to a friendship where you constantly want more and at the same time know you are not ready for it either? its hard to be torn like that. sometimes we must be stripped of our ego and lie bare we have no complaints with life and we have fun…
keep your colliding thoughts coherant, the answers will come.
If this is why you’re not able to watch movies spur of the moment, then all the better! You deserve some happiness and a relationship with someone who’s an equal in all the important ways. And age really IS just a number, if it’s the right person. 🙂
I’ve had a shotgun for years…winchester, 20 gauge…I don’t think I’d name someone after her, she kicks – hard.
…..but maybe that’s what you’re into…is that what we can infer?
Well, in that case, with a little kicking and screaming, I wish you the best of luck in your ventures with Remi.
I just have to say, I love your blog and can relate on so many levels. Best of luck with Remi!
It must be going well, since you are LEAVING US HANGING!
i know shes great for you and all. .. …. …. BUT IM STILL JEALOUS!!!! and i think im going to be for a little wile i know i could have done alot more but i feel so short, mind you im not that short but your beauty radiates so freely that i feel so small around your presence then it dose’nt help that i cant get the right words to come out when im around you …..
…and this is where it all began. Now i know where the name came about. 🙂
Wow! Now I feel like an idiot, but for some reason, amidst all the pseudonyms, it never occurred to me that Remi wasn’t her real name.
What? Remi’s not her real name?? LOL.. I never realized!