Lesbian Vampire Needs Your Advice
So it’s almost Halloween and I’ve been sewing all week! Next year, please remind me to start this whole process in August. I always underestimate how long these things take. I have a tendency to do that …. like with my house: Oh the floors will only take 3 days. I can knock that kitchen out in 24 hours! I can fix both costumes in an afternoon, no sweat! … Would someone please shake me next time I so loudly proclaim the impossible is possible.
So while we’re still working on the lining to Remi’s trench coat today, my costume is complete. But now I need some outside opinions here.
Here are two photos of the hair, makeup and contacts that makeup part of my Hallow’s eve look. But should I wear my hair up or down? I’m thinking up because it shows the neckline of the robe off and I think it looks more dramatic with that makeup. But I’ve had several guy friends of mine insist I should wear it down.
Ugh …. so please let me know what you think looks best. Up or down??
Up!!!!! I def think u shud wear it up. It shows off ur neck and ur features.
Your eyes look fucking awesome!!!
Sasha please wear it down. I love your hair down.
Up. I think u look totaaly hawt in an evil way!!!! I want to see remi!!!!!
Remi is a very very very lucky lesbian. God damn woman.
you look sexyer when it’s up, how ever you have this darkness that comes over you when you wear it down, but just know if you have it up you look like you could beat someone down with just a gaze…
I think with it up you look like you’re straight out of the movies. I’m SO jealous! I wish I looked like you. Life must be so much easier when you’re beautiful.
Icant decide. Both are good!!!! I want to see pics of you and Remi on HAlloween!!!!!
Down, Sasha.
I want to see the rest of that costume …. Hmmmmm.
I’m a totally straight man that stumbled on your blog a few months ago while googling MMA and got hooked.
I did not know what you looked like until today. Yet always enjoyed your writing, your sense of humor and your brutal honesty about all your flaws.
But now I see what you look like and I’m totally stunned. I realize those are FX contacts for HAlloween but the rest is all you. You are truly a beauty.
You said you wanted to show off the neckline, right? For some reason, you accomplish that more with the hair down.
And the eyes…! How?!
Have a FABULOUS Halloween – nice to see others besides myself getting into the spirit of things *grin*
You look more dramatic with your hair up and it brings out your eyes more. When your gorgeous hair is down it draws all the attention to itself.
Go down of course!!!! Hahahahahaha! Seriously…it looks more vampiress
Up, definitely up.