My 1st vlog!!! Eeeek!!!
OK, so I promised I would do it and here it is. Personally I think it’s super weird seeing and hearing myself on video. Totally freaks me out and makes me want to get collagen lip injections. But whatever.
By the way, AWESOME freeze frame, don’t ya think?? π Sheesh … what I do for the laaaaadieeeeeez.
Sasha, you do not need lip injections! Girl what is wrong with you? You’re pretty! I’m actually a little surprised how you sound. I thought you would be more I dont know, I thought your voice would be huskier. lol but I like it, it’s way cute.
Oh girl, there’s my Sasha I miss so much. You look so cute on your little youtube video! I really think your next vlog needs to pull back a little so we can see the rest of you π just sayin’ from a butch point of view.
See you at Dinah baby.
I’ve had a little thing for you since I started reading your blog. I was nervous when you said you were going to start vlogging. Kind of like when an actress you really love does an interview and you realize she’s an air head or a concieted bitch. I almost didn’t want to watch, just in case you ruined yourself for me. But thank gos you didn’t! You’re cuter then I thought you were going to be!
I agree, I thought your voice would be deeper or something but I like it. You’re cute and sexy, great combo in my book! Hope you keep vlogging!
I think this was a really good first blog. You look good and you actually gave good advice! So many youtube videos are just someone saying, ‘Uhm … like … so ….. yea ….. um, like so yea ….” and they sound like idiots! Thanks for not wasting my time. I would totally watch your vlogs as much as i read your blogs.
Hey Sasha, you’re kinda hot. π
“Later in life” to you means 24??!!! Give me a break! Sasha, you really know how to make an old bull dyke feel old. lol. 24 is just a baby. You’re still a baby in your 30’s so please try to be a little kinder to us old farts, we have crushes on you too π
Hey Sasha, thanks for posting a vlog, I really liked watching you. You’re not what I thought you would be like, you seem more down to earth then you were in my head.
How old are you? I did the math and it sounds like you’re in you’re in your 30s but you don’t look like it. I know you like younger girls, I’m 22 …. do I have a shot? lollz
You did a great job and I’m impressed. Not only are you beautiful you kept it interesting. Thumbs up all around sister
I’m with Missy, Sasha you did great fro your first vlog and I was pleasantly surprised how beautiful you really are. Beauty and brains, no wonder Remi bought you car! I would have too π
I’ve never commented before, but I had to now. Wow Sasha, your eyes are amazing and you’re as cute as they come! I f****in love your personality and you’re sexy too. Now when I read your blogs, I’ll have a better idea of how you really are. So cool, I loved it!
Oh good advice too, on top of it all. LMAO … ooops, sorry Remi I had to crush on your girl a bit.
Ms. Sasha, you are one lovely lady. I have always been a fan but now I want to graduate to stalker! j/k
Don’t worry Remi, I respect your relationship with her but you got to share her with her public π
Ah man now I really wish I was Remi! Sasha’s hot and funny! I would have bought you a car too. If I had a job that is and if you were my girl. But you wouldnt be because I’m a loser compared to Remi.
I like your face. I like your eyes and your mouth and the way you talk. More then most I really like your eyes. They shine a lot. Post more videos.
You thought you would have killed yourself by now had you married me? Thanks a lot.
It’s girls like you that confuse the hell out of me! I think you’re so pretty and I could totally see myself making out with you. But I’m in a long term relationship with a man. Am I straight?? Not according to your vlog, which was awesome, please vlog more. I love your voice!
I don’t know what all the hypes about. Sasha you arent anything spectacular. Get over yourself.
Yay for your first Vlog! I’ve been an avid reader of your blog and am excited to see you on video. Good job, girlie! Please do more in the future!
Girl, don’t listen to the haters. I loved the vlog and I thought your advice was excellent. I discovered I am a lesbian less than a year ago, and I’m turning 34 today! Proof that it can happen at any age… I met a woman (butchie) who knocked me off my feet made me re-evaluate my entire life. You’re lucky you discovered this about yourself before getting married….I was not so lucky :(.
Anyway, the length of your vlog was perfect…keep them coming!
Sasha you are so beautiful! You are also so warm, and I feel as if I have made a little friend that comes through a little box on the computer screen π hehe…
Seriously thank you for taking the time to answer my question, and your first blog was definitely not boring! I especially enjoyed hearing about the first girl that really made your heart skip a beat. It is reassuring to knowing that you felt that your were straight until you had feelings for a girl, which came “later” in life. ( I suppose 24 isn’t toooo late) π
I am going to take your advice and ask her out, or at least talk to her more than I have been. In all honesty I feel like I have been trying to push her away when I do see her because I originally felt like I didn’t want to complicate or make a mess out of anything in my life with my boyfriend or her life…(like her having to deal with a maybe straight girl, who might not be able to offer her what she really wants or deserves.)
I feel she has felt my walls, and backed off a bit because of this…
Fortunately, I do see her often. She is a personal trainer at the gym I attend, and although I feel as if the gym is a “meat market” or a place to pick up on people sometimes, (and 99% of the time when I am hit on I am totally uninterested), the way she approached me/ and looks at me is really almost flattering… I can handle a lot when it comes to being “gawked” at, but when she does it I actually feel myself get nervous and defensive, cause the urge to want to talk to her is there, but I don’t want to start down a scary rabbit hole.
Especially because everything is so easy with my current boyfriend…
Getting to know someone all over again, and opening up to someone isn’t always easy for me….
However, I WILL talk to her hehehe….
OH! and I like to think of my self as a Rosario Dawson type HAHAHA, only 5’10” and a soccer player. Hehehe
OH! and her name is Rachel….She is probably 5’5″…. Fair skin… Long brown wavy hair… Nice shiny brown eyes…(they light up especially when she stares at me)
I get the feeling she is either more butch or just covers herself up (because she works with a lot of men) because she wears like guys basketball shorts or like ankle black stretchy type pants….She never wears make-up and I’ve noticed she is strong/assertive….almost loud… I’ve never seen her outside of her gym clothes sooo..
I will keep in touch π
And THANK YOU, I really enjoyed your first vlog.
your friend π
Your first vlog was awesome and the best part about it was that I didn’t have to be in it! I became even more impressed with it after watching some of the other vlogs that are out there (yes, I’m talking about the noodle slurping one). Don’t worry about your lips looking thin in the video. I think it’s the angle of the camera because they are big luscious lips in real life. Haha.
Ahhh thank you, EVERYONE who left such nice and supportive comments!! I seriously was so worried about disappointing people. So thank you for being kind π
And Lana, you’re not off the hook yet! I plan on making you co-star in many a future vlog. π
Oh and thank you lovergirl for your super duper sweet comment and ….”I feel as if I have made a little friend that comes through a little box on the computer screen” made me and Remi crack up this morning! So thank you for that!
You sound and look, like a typical “Valley Girl”: vapid, vacuous, and vain.
I LOOOOOOOOVE your vlog…cannot wait to hear from you again!!
I loved your blog and it took guts to put your face out there. It’s easy to sit anonymously behind a computer screen and post spiteful, lame ass comments like “not impressed” and “not impressed either”. As you can see by their call names, they’re both brimming with original thought.
I also like that even though their comment would have one think they dislike you, they’re still checking out your blog, hitting play on your video, watching it and then taking the time to fill out the reply section to leave you their moronic comments. Like bad children, any attention is better then none, especially if it’s from you Sasha.
Don’t worry beautiful, you’re fucking gorgeous and nothing about you came off as vain.
I thought i already left a comment on this one but I don’t see it up there. Just as well since now I can leave a little sumthin’ sumthin’ for the haters on Sasha’s blog.
I would tell you both to back the f**K off of our girl Sasha, she’s doing her thing and that’s more then we can say for you, you who didn’t even have the nerve to leave your name with your petty little comments. But I don’t really have to say that since everyone that reads Sasha’s blog and watched her video can clearly see that she didn’t have any malice in her video at all. She did it to help a confused young girl out! And she gave good advice that came from the heart and shared her personal story with us. WTF is wrong with you people?
You just make yourselves sound like jilted lovers, ex-friends she kicked to the curb and blogged about, or someone that she never would have given the time to any ways because you’re probably a loser. Oh wait. There’s no probably about it. You made that clear on your own.
SO….Is there an update? I wanna know!
“You’re kind of doing this for him.” …. “Let him go so he can find a nice little straight girl.”
Allow me to give a male’s perspective on your blog….
I dated the same girl throughout high school and college and after six years of dating, she left me for another woman. That was seven years ago and I never fully psychologically recovered. I’m known throughout my town as the guy who wasted the best years of his life turning a woman gay.
I find it incredible that in your rambling, arrogant five minute segment you can so easily tell your listeners to simply “shrug off” men so to speak. It’s as if you’ve resigned yourself to the fact that men are obsolete beings whereas women, especially gay women, are to be put on some kind of emotional pedestal.
This is furthered by the fact that you go so far as to call lesbians “members of your team” and say that you would have killed yourself had you married a man. These comments are oozing with egocentrism. All I hear from you when I read these comments is “Sasha, Sasha, Sasha. Me. Me. Me. Lesbian. Lesbian. Lesbian.”
I’m not saying that gay, bi, or questioning women should stay with their boyfriends simply to save his feelings. That would be arrogant and stupid on my part. What I am saying is that girls, even if they are questioning their sexuality a little, should not string guys along for a even a second. Do not go on a date with a woman if you are in a relationship with a man. Do not continue to date a man if you find yourself flirting with other women either in person or online. If it comes down to you being in a long-term relationship, or worse, a marriage and you “find out” you’re a lesbian, my advice (crazy as this may sound) is to lie about why you’re breaking it off. Not that Sasha would really care about a man’s feelings, but from a guy’s perspective sometimes the truth is way worse. Believe me, I much rather would have had her tell me that I was the biggest jerk in the world instead of telling me that I was completely inadequate at satisfying her needs.
You did good with your 1st vlog… =] I was trying to read your lips to understand what you were saying bec I am profoundly deaf… I wish there have closed captions that would be nice for deaf lesbians to understand… =]
Hi Maurita, I’m so sorry I didn’t do captions! i didn’t know how … still don’t actually. But I promise for my next vlogs, I will do my best to add captions for the hearing impaired lesbians π
Hi Sasha. Oh that s all right. No worried… Take your time to find how. =] But I am still reading the other of yours on here. *grins*
My response is for Jim. I applaud you Sasha for not wasting a response on this douchelord because you shouldn’t have to explain yourself to him. Hey Jim it looks like YOU are the one with the massive ego… which is not surprising because you ARE male. Which is why you obviously think that we should give a damn what YOU think. Did it ever occur to you that Sasha was talking about herself and about being a lesbian because NEWSFLASH!! YOU ARE ON A FUCKING LESBIAN BLOG!!! Not only that but YOU ARE ON A LESBIAN BLOG OWNED BY THE GIRL WHO IS TALKING ABOUT HERSELF!! Gawd you are such a fucking loser. In case you need the definition, a blog is like a personal online diary which yes, even douchebags like you have the privilege to read. If you don’t like what is being said, feel free to go to a blog about sad losers whose ego’s are soooooooo huge that years later they can’t get over the fact that their girlfriend was a lesbian all along. I am sure you will be able to relate. Perhaps you should go bitch to your ex about hanging on to your dumbass for so long instead of blasting Sasha for only speaking the truth. Anyway I am sure your girlfriend probably TRIED to leave you but you probably said for her to go ahead and date women as long as you get to be involved until you made her so sick she finally didn’t mind hurting your feelings instead of being miserable with your whiny ass in the first place. Boo fucking hoo and cry me a river, she hurt your fragile ego. Go cry about it to a group of men who give a damn because we aren’t here to placate your tender sensibilities. I know as a man you think we as women should give a fuck about you. But sorry guess what? Men are not as important as you all think you are. And no we don’t all have to cater to you. And by the way, you’re right your ex should have told you she was breaking up with you because you were the biggest jerk in the world. She wouldn’t have been lying. Only a jerk would think a website full of lesbians should care about your fucking egos. I would like to know how many times YOU gave a fuck about a lesbian’s feelings… fuck you asshole.
Raye, I agreed with you… I dont know why Jim came here to read this… this site is for lesbians only and also straight people who understandable and supportive the gay… Men cant do anything with their exes who left them for women which it’s not our fault… Exes found who they really are to be lesbian…
By the way, great site Sasha have… long way for me to read this to catch up. =]
Sasha, your advice is wonderful! I’m 33 and can relate to his now in my adult life. I wish it had happened when I was 22! Unfortunately, I was married at 21 and now dealing with the realities I’d always avoided and put to the side about my true self. When you stated that you would have killed yourself had you married a man, yes, you would had. It took a trip to the hospital for me to finally let this fake life I was living go, and being honest with the man I’ve been with for the last 11 years. I’m currently divorcing from him and it’s the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life. Admitting I was gay was the easiest, I could finally breath. I was faithful to him during our marriage physically, but mentally, I was thinking about women. I was suicidal, chronically depressed and knew that it wasn’t me. I was losing myself. During my separation, I had the same experience you had Sasha with a women. The difference was she turned out to be gay. Your advice on taking it easy on your first woman, and not being “in love” or “the one” was great. In response to Jim, my husband needed to know because he would have NEVER let go. It was more important for his ego and reputation not to be divorced than it was to parting ways and being healthy individuals. His ego, selfishness, and emotional abuse was the last straw for me, making it not worth living the lie anymore. Raye, I agree with you 100%. I’ve lived it!!!! Jim, get over it!
@Sasha I know this is an older blog, but it totally relates to what I have written about my own “stuff” under various headings through your blog. Since you have hundreds of writers π I am the “closet lesbian lol, with a gay brother, who LOVES π butches π but has never been brave enough lol to do anything about it lol because I can not deal with the drama of coming out because of the insanity I dealt with during my 4 years support of my brother’s coming out….” LOL I think you might remember me LOL now. LOL Plus I was the “potty mouth” LOL who defended you in the post two days back. LOL Anyhow, I totally related to the words you said in this blog. π Thanks for all your blogs- even the old ones lol from back in the day. And as for Jim- what the hell is a (straight) guy doing making rude comments/ or any comments lol on a lesbian’s blog?????? LOL My brother is “as gay as they make ’em” π (I adore my brother and supported him extremely in his “coming out” so that is NOT meant in a rude way) and he would not be caught dead on a lesbian’s blog. LOL So Jim go find a straight person’s blog to bitch on- you need to step off. LOL
OMG Reading Jim’s comments totally makes me want to break open my “closet” doors lol and be with the true gender I want to be with- and think is so hot :). And people wonder why and ask me all the time “Why don’t you find a nice guy- aren’t you dating, you are so pretty” (GAG!!!!!!!!) Maybe I should print out Jim’s comments and hand that out next time I am asked that annoying comments. LOL
Jazmenha …. my dear …. of course I know who you are!!!! You’re a regular now π You are officially in the club … the CCL club π
Awwwww Thanks Sasha! I really appreciate that! I am going to defend you EVERY time anyone disrespects you on this site- I promise you that!!! (I’ll try to leave out the “f-bombs” next time LOL I just get SO passionate about defending my friends.) Jazmenha
Jazmenha, I know you are beautiful. I can tell by the way you speak and the love you show others. It shines through in your words. I think Sasha and all of us have picked up a good chat friend. Thank you for being such a caring, butch loving femme. We luv it! CJ
JAZ!!! stop apologizing… f-bombs are sexy out of the mouth of a pissed off femme… and yes I said femme… open those closet doors darlin, throw em wide and embrace your beautiful femme, butch-lovin self! we need more of you. We love our femmes!
Jazzzzz …. what the fuck are you apologizing for? I fuckin’ love the ‘F’ bomnbs! You can fuckin’ use whatever fucking words you want to on my fucking blog!!! Because I believe in the fucking freedom of speech. π *big fucking hug now* π π
lol Sasha I keep hearing your girly femme voice with every f-bomb you throw down… it makes me laugh.
Thanks Raye, Femmelover and Sasha π that all made my f-ing LOL day. π
@Femmelover- Wow, thank you so much for all YOUR kid words. That really touched me because it is “scary” for anyone to open up on a blog/on-line and just throw their thoughts out there not known the response that will be given etc. I can tell, from what you have written-especially the one you told some writer “not to talk to someone (Sasha) who is in a committed relationship that way….” I thought that showed great honor and respect on your part. I try to show love to everyone no matter who they are because we are all in this crazy world together just trying to make it through and everyone needs love. π
@Raye Your words were way too sweet too. Thanks. Wow, big smiles- I have never been called a “femme” I love it!!!!!! π You made my day. π Big smiles. Trust me I would LOVE to “break open the closet doors” lol my God would I LOVE to get out of this fucking lol closet!!!!! But (read my other posts) I was there through every drama for daily 4 years of my brother’s “coming out” and was the peacemaker and tear-wiper and late night phone call listener between him and our parents literally everyday for 4 years. And therefore, I just can NOT fucking lol deal with all of that again if I were to come out myself. So when I see a sexy butch (sigh) I just turn my head- it sucks!!!! π Well except the VERY hot butch I met in the resturant in July π I just couldn’t help myself lol and after randomly meeting her in the line to the bathroom LOL and talking with her I gave her a BIG hug LOL and she was so happy when she hugged me that she was actually giggling- that was TOO cute!!! But of course I ran off totally shy after that and have been kicking myself ever since. π Oh well – that experience is what lead me to Sasha’s blog and here I am. π
@Sasha – LOL You are a “closet f-bomb potty mouth” LOL I’m just kidding. π You know I think you are the cat’s pajamas. lol π big smiles. I send you a “big fucking hug” too. π smiles
Good night to the 3 of you. π smiles And to all those who disrespect Sasha on her own blog- don’t let the f-bomb hit ya as you need to f-ing step off. LOL LOL LOL (I just couldn’t do it Sasha I just couldn’t type the “uck” hehehehe Well one letter at a time LOL like one day at a time. LOL ) HEY SASHA did you go to class tonight???????? I was totally rooting for you. π Keep us posted. π
Femmelove- opps typo π Thanks for your “kind” words. π Smiles Good night. π