Hot New Gender Neutral Fashion Label
I recently received this very cool invite, see below, to attend the launch party to one of my favorite and highly anticipated labels, Sharpe. Which I would love to go to, because hello, hot sexy androgynous lesbians and everything else on the spectrum is sure to makeup the beautiful people that will be in attendance. I might be married, but I’m not blind. You must take a look at their site and if at all possible head over to the launch party. RSVP and tell them Sasha sent you. 😉
Even if you can’t make it to the party take a look at their look book. They’re filling a niche our community desperately needed filled in the fashion industry. Cool, non gender binary clothing that looks good on all body types. I can’t make it to the party because my wife is whisking me out of town for my birthday weekend. But if we get back in time, we might swing by. This is definitely one of the parties I hate to miss.
Ahh! I almost went to that as well! Very sexy look