CCL’s Very Own Butch, Sings for us
I am SO excited, honored and proud to share this video with everyone. I had to talk her into letting me share it, but after you start watching it, you will understand why I was willing to literally beg her to share this.
Ladies and gents, I give you the, sexiest, most talented butch in Texas!!!! CCL’s very own Raye!!!
I have to say, that when I watched this today, my heart stopped for a beat. I was so floored by her voice and her musical talent. I made my mom come over and watch it with me. She stood there, smiling and I noticed that it made her tear up!!! My mother is NOT an emotive person.
It brought me to tears every time, I’ve watched it. Then when Remi came home tonight I had her watch it. When she walked in and saw Raye on the screen, she screamed, “Is that Raye!!!???” And quickly grabbed a chair and waited for it to start.
Her smile slowly faded as her mouth fell open with the first few notes. Her face continued to show her utter shock and happiness at watching Raye perform.
Throughout it, we both kept exclaiming. “Oh my GOD!!!! She is SOOO good!!!”
Really Raye, this is awesome. I hope you make many many more videos for us!!! And you inspired me to maybe start belly dancing for some random vlogs. 😉 Cuz, I can’t sing!!!!
Raye, you are truly amazing in so many ways…
And this, I felt like we just saw a whole different side of you. And it has made you so much more, in my eyes. You are talented, you are intelligent, you are opinionated, you are eloquence with a twirk of cocky confidence, and you are insanely sexy. This video added so much more to your already growing depth, it’s truly touching.
I can’t wait for more.
well done buddy
So cool. Listening on my phone.
..wow..yea girls…have at her. she’s a catch…;)
Thank You for sharing! Wow!!!
I’m as speechless as I ever get. Lovely voice. Too bad we never sang that duet, Raye. 😉
Sasha belly dancing vlog fuck yeah! I’ve never had the pleasure to see it, so I’ve wondered what your style is.
Sent this to my dad and he LOVED it so much he watched 3 times and asked if Raye had it on itunes so he could buy it!!!! He really REALLY loved it!!!!
He also told me to tell you that he think you should be a HUGE STAR and that you should go on The Voice. LOL, my dad is so cute. And that you should post regular videos singing. That’s from my dad, so you better listen to him. 😉
Haha, I was thinking that as well- that Raye should go on The Voice. x3
Oh my goodness! This is beautiful And now I’m tearing up!! Wow Raye…..thank you for letting Sasha post this. 🙂
Formally known as luvbutchies
Raye your song is absolutely beautiful and the meaning behind it crys out through lyrics. You voice is stunning it is stop you in your tracks jaw dropping beauty. And if I might say so you play the guitar very well don’t be so modest. Thank you so much for showing us this side of you. It only makes you even sexier !
Gods, this is amazing! Beautiful, rich voice. I know everyone else said it all before, but I just cannot help myself. Awesome performance.
This is the first time I have been able to see the page from my computer since Sasha posted this song. So please forgive me for not commenting sooner as I have been busy with some life changes. I have been going through a very dark period in my life the last week or so with the breakup so I think Sasha just wanted to do something to bolster my heart. She and Remi are such wonderful friends to me, along with WWG and Rexie outside of CCL. I can’t tell you all how grateful I am for your kinds words. A woman who was like a mom to me when my mother disowned me is dying and I am struggling with it because I have not been able to go see her since I found out. I am working on that right now. But anyway I posted this on my Facebook for her one day and that is where Sasha saw it. Again I am humbled by your beautiful compliments. It helps me breathe. <3 And Sasha, I love you my friend. Hug Remi for me will ya?
Beautiful song, voice and musicianship. You made my heart smile!
Raye..I am so sorry for your sadness and struggles. Really I am. Your smile is as beautiful as your voice and I am looking forward to the day, (and it will come, I promise), the clouds blow away and your smile will shine like the noonday sun. Until then, you are in my thoughts.
wow, they are not enough words to describe how beautiful this was. This was so touching and really hit home for me since I don’t have contact with my mother either. I hope you will share more of your singing with us.
wow she has a really nice voice. Go Texas and California.
Simply stunning.
Raye My heart totally goes out to you. Having just lost my aunt the beginning of March (my second mom) I totally know how unspeakably painful it is. My sincere prayers go out to you during this difficult time.
I must say it saddens me you felt the need to add the line about people’s critism. Unfortuntely people critize each other constantly so I see why you said it but what saddens me is that we need to say it in the first place. This is a remarkably talented piece. You should be extrodinarially proud of your gifts of song and music. I know that I am (along w many other of your CCL friends).
Amazing. Simply amazing. Raye, I know that you don’t know me from Adam, but I can relate to what you’re going through. I dealt with it when my grandmother died and it sucks. I hope you make up to see her…
again thank you so much ladies… I am truly humbled.
oh you sing so well!!! beautiful voice and touching song
Great heartfelt tune!! Well done.
just beautiful-i think raye should sing at remi and sasha’s wedding, and also mine whenever it happens!