VLOG!!!! Are you gay? And what NOT to do with your bestie!!
Holy cow I vlogged!!!! It’s been what? 5 or 6 years since my last one?! I kept waiting for the ‘right time’ but that is never going to happen. So as I was catching up on emails today I realized that I keep getting the same question over and over again from women all over the world. So here’s a little video, because if you and I were having coffee together this is what I would tell you.
I love your video “How to know if you’re a lesbian part 2 & What NOT to do with your best friend. – YouTube” video. I couldn’t help but think of the character Jenny Schecter in “TheLWord” (<3), who thought she was straight until she realised otherwise. So many of the things you mentioned remind me of how Jenny reacted emotionally to Marina. Your suggestions also reminded me of (from The L Word) when Dana wanted to find out if Lara was gay but didn't have Gaydar.
WOW! I wish I had seen your video a year ago when I TOTALLY did what you aren’t supposed to do.. OF COURSE it all crashed and burned so horribly… You should be promoting this video to save others from such total heartache!!
Woot!! I love this post. I thank whatever force in the universe stopped me from telling my best friend in high school that I was in love with her because we probably wouldn’t still be friends today 🙂
Ok this was great. It was nice to hear it in black and white. I’m 24 and I’ve only ever dated men but I’ve always been curious about women. Finally got some guts and decided to try it and WOW. Amazing. Love it! Cue identity crisis. Whenever I’ve been drunk I’ve also only ever made out with women and my preference is clear then so I guess that should have tipped me off. But anyways, thanks for this video! It was great 🙂
We are in the process of trying to have a amily and we are trying to gain some supportes for our journey. Thanks in advance
I love hearing your voice. Please keep Vlogging!!