A Lesbian Gene?
Don’t tell Mickey but we could totally turn his girlfriend gay!
Original PostBy Shamecca Harris, 365gay.com
Researchers have found that female mice can be turned lesbian by eliminating a single gene, Telegraph.co.uk reports
A study conducted at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology found that when removing the FucM gene, which monitors the level of estrogen in the brain, female mice will mimic the sexual behavior of their male counterparts.
“The mutant female mouse underwent a slightly altered developmental program in the brain to resemble the male brain in terms of sexual preference,” said Professor Chankyu Park, who headed the study.
Scientists have been trying for years to identify a genetic influence to homosexuality; however it is not conclusive that the removal of the estrogen-inhibiting gene would yield the same results in human behavior.
According to the Daily Telegraph, Professor Park intends to further explore the gene’s relationship to human sexuality. The results of his findings can be found in the BMC Genetics Journal.
There’s also some studies on the effect that in utero testosterone plays in homosexuality.
My guess that’s a combination of genes and in utero conditions. Sexuality is not a (IMHO) a simple “trait”. If that were so, how can bisexuality exist (be explained)? .
I think depending on the individual, it can be entirely genetic, part genetics and part development, and for some it could purely be development. I come from a multi-generational gay family, and I think in our case, there is a strong genetic connection. I guess one could argue that being exposed to my aunts’ when I was a child might have been an influence, but I don’t ever really remember it being discussed in front of me, and while they did always have their partners at functions, I never saw them be romantic until I was older.
But yeah, the FucM gene? That’s gotta work easily into a joke somewhere.
So, how would they explain those of us who waited until our 30’s to come out. Were we just confused, or did someone steal my FucM gene, LOL!!! I made myself laugh, how goofy am I?? 🙂
My eyes are playing tricks on me. Every time I read it, I think it’s saying, “… did someone steal my FucMe gene?”
Come on, I know I’m not the only one.
Someone had to have a real sense of humor to name that particular gene “FucM”. I see that as “Fuck ’em”, so I guess I’m you, Sasha, only backwards.
Seriously, that FucM gene has entertained me for half of a day. No, Sasha, you are not the only one at all.
I’m heartbroken. I always thought Minnie was a cute little femme like me… Now you tell me she hasn’t even been turned yet???
Nature, nurture, meh, whatever. All of the above, maybe none of the above, it’s just like everything else about each of us individually. We’re creatures of our environment, beginning in utero and continuing throughout our lives.
But yes. The FucM gene is way too much fun for words.
My girlfriend didn’t realize she was gay until she was in her early 20’s. She is very feminine and most people assume she is straight. She had a couple relationships with men before she came out and says she confused friendship for sexual attraction. She always thought women were pretty but she never understood, nor questioned her feelings.
I knew my girlfriend was into girls way before she figured it out. I knew I liked girls around age 5.
I’ve always found the nature vs. nurture argument interesting. And I do believe that in most cases – intelligence, personality, violent behavior, etc. – it is a valid argument. But I personally do not understand how “nurture” plays a role in determining sexual orientation.
For those who didn’t realize until later in life…did it feel like something was missing in your relationships with men?Did you ever think about having sex with women prior to coming out?
The fact that I played sports isn’t the reason I get a tingly sensation in my jeans when a girl touches me. Maybe its because I knew at such a young age that I can’t pinpoint anything that could have “nurtured” me to be gay.
its the ‘fuck men’ gene
thats all i think lol
Is that the one next to the SpankM gene?
The FucM gene? Is that related to the LikM gene and the SukM gene?
Hi A,
I got married at 37, and not until after did I finally acknowledge that at the very least, I might be bisexual.
When I was very young, in grade school even, I felt attracted to girls, but then when peer pressure kicked in, around 13 years of age or so, I did my best to ignore those feelings and develop an interest in boys.
For all those years then, I went out with guys, had serious boyfriends, and yes, even with my husband, I know something is missing.
Here I am, 43 years old, and I have sexual fantasies about women, and am very seldom attracted to men. All those feelings that I suppressed for so long are still there.
What to do? I have a baby girl now, so I will try to make the most of the cards I have in my hands.
Be glad your girlfriend came out early enough to live her life honestly. By the way, I am very feminine as well. Nobody would even guess how I really feel.