Well I wasn’t really expecting for the comments that I got about my dancing on the side to be so, well ... one sided. I guess I thought you might take my side on this, but boy when I’m wrong, I’m wrong.
But I would like to thank LurkerLezzie for her supportive comment. Like I keep telling my gf, when you’re a dancer and you’re raised up in a studio, being that physical with strangers really doesn’t mean anything. It’s just dancing. But people who aren’t used to it misunderstand and worry a lot more then they should.
When I taught ballroom dance, my male students were constantly getting their feelings for me confused because they mistook my physical contact with them as a dance teacher to mean something more. Because in the outside world, men and women don’t usually touch that much unless there’s some sort of intimacy between the two. So I can see how my gf would feel threatened or worried about my dancing in revealing costumes.