We Must Believe in Ourselves
I haven’t made anything new in a while. Apparently, writer’s block has an evil twin sister that visits jewelry artisans as well. Grrr argh.
But then one day, a sweet woman from Canada ordered one of my steel pieces and her email really touched me. I won’t tell you details but something in it, sparked my desire to start creating again. In fact she directly inspired this particular piece.
Those were words that someone very dear to her, told her when she needed to hear it most. It’s something that we all need whispered in our ears every once in while.
In this changing political climate, it’s more important then ever to believe in ourselves and to live openly and honestly.
Now is the time to be brave.
We are stronger then we know.
Thank you for sharing that. I desperately needed to be reminded of that today. This is always a difficult time of year, since I’m once again approaching October 3rd. This will be the fifth anniversary of the day I lost my almost 18 month old daughter to cancer, and this year I’m facing additional challenges. I’ve been reading your blog and admire your courage. It inspires me.
I love that you put so much of yourself into your craft. The jewelry is special but creating it with such care makes it distinctive and unique, as well.
Sort of unrelated but fun, when I was at the hair salon last week, one of the stylists saw me checking out CCL on my phone and screamed, “I LOVE HER!!!!!!!” After an animated discussion about how wondderful you are, she asked me out.
GlitterGirl, I am so sorry for your loss. I am sending you loving, positive vibes through the ether and I know all who read this will also. I hope you feel the strength we’re sending too. Hang in there, sweetie.
REXIE!!! Are you just trying to help my ego? Or did that ACTUALLY happen!??? OMG!! 🙂 🙂
Ok, back to you, did you say yes!?
(((Hugs Glittergirl))) We ARE sending you good thoughts and warm wishes.
Yes, Sasha, that actually DID happen! : ) She said she never comments, but perhaps she’ll come out of lurk mode and back me up. Of course, I just outed myself to her, until now, she had no idea who I might be. haha She’s very fashionable and I can see us going out and getting into some trouble. She’d be a good one to share fashion tips and go shopping with. She loves Sephora, too, so we might be a bad influence on each other. Our wallets are groaning already!
Glittergirl My heart goes out to you during this time.
Rexie That is beyond awesome!!!! 🙂 Too fun!!!
Since my surgery 16 weeks ago on the 23rd, I have found that I will not be able to return to work at my chosen profession and perhaps not at all. Thank you for this today, I find myself questioning myself on a daily basis right now, sometimes it is good for someone else to say it out loud.
Rexie! Squuuuueeee! So excited for you!
(shut up,.. I’m a girl.. I’m allowed to squeal!)
@Glittergirl, I am so sorry for your loss. We are all sending you hugs and support from over the internet.
@Becca – I’m so sorry to hear about your surgery. I know how difficult it is to feel like you have to give up on your chosen profession. Are you healing from the surgery ok?