Meet The Next Big Thing
It’s that time again. The time when I get the honor to introduce to you a lesbian or gay artist that is doing great things within and beyond our community. But this particular artist is a little different and very special to me and Remi.
She’s different in the way that she and her wife are two of our closest friends. I am so amazingly honored to be her friend, and even more excited to be able to introduce her work to you. She is an amazing talent, an up and coming artist who’s work is now being shown in Southern California, soon to be the world. She’s doing big things and on a selfish note, I hope I get to buy one of her pieces before she blows up on the art scene and is a big, famous name! Seriously. Take a look at her work and you’ll see what I mean.
Being that we’re good friends, I was able to get her to answer a few questions for us. So it is my privilege to share with you my interview with StreetGeekgirl:
OK, first off, lets get the big question out of the way. Do you identify as a lesbian? And if so, what would your type of lesbian be? Femme, sporty? etc …..
I actually prefer gay. To me, “lesbian” seem more like a declaration. Like at the border: “Mam’m, do you have anything to declare?” “Yes sir. I am a lesbian.” Gay seems to be more of a statement as in, “Yup. That girl is sooooo gay!” Plus, there are way more gay jokes, so that’s a bonus! As far as type, I married mine. I love a good stud. Not just butch, but a stud. I may not have been blessed with high femme genes and fashion, but I needed a stud who is street and can handle her business at home too. I am fairly traditional, in that I have no problem being the stay-at-home, raise the kids, be in the kitchen, kind of wife. My
parents still can’t wrap their heads around that one!
How does being married to a woman affect your art? If at all?
Being married has totally affected my art, but for the betterment of self.
It was my wife who encouraged me to get at it and to enter my first show. Without her support (and kick in the proverbial ass), I would
probably have let it slide back into dormancy. I have such crazy mad love for that girl!
How did you get started?
In high school, my art teacher had behind my back, got me accepted into art school. I didn’t go because I had never considered it, but she felt I had some potential. I never did go,
but my best friend and I were very naughty and would make our own tags and hit the streets. Now mind you this was the early 90’s. This was two very, very white girls, from the country, living in the backwoods of the Pacific Northwest. I think we were the only ones listening to Grandmaster Flash, Fab 5 Freddy (who was also a graffiti artist).
Beyond that, I got caught up in the daily grind of life and never did art again until last year, when I had to make a detour for family reasons back into my old stomping grounds. Maybe it had to do with being back in the country and the underlying need to rebel all over again.
What’s your favorite medium and subject?
I love stencil art. Acrylic or spray. Street artists such as Eine, DSArt, D*Face, Dran and OS Gemeos are just a few my favorites. I tend to identify more with the London art scene than the west coast style. I love the political nature of the international pieces found in the U.K., as well as places like Brazil, Tokyo and Mexico City. No subject is off limits. Right now I am getting ready to do a show with London erotic photographer Suelan Allison. It’s fairly controversial in nature and will be very different than anything I have worked on so it’s very exciting. It’s the random art I see in the cracks and alleyways that are the little gold nuggets! A good slap (street term for sticker) with humor makes my day too.
If you could have any celebrity pose for one of your pieces, who would it be and what medium would you most likely do that piece in?
I am not a “celebrity” person. Average or off-beat people are far more interesting to me than any celebrity. I am a huge nerd, so if I had to pick, I would say Chewbacca. I always like to do mixed medium pieces so anything goes. I would probably put Chewy into some element that is not expected. Hmmmm…got some ideas going now! I don’t want to place limits on what’s possible. Plus, I have a lot to learn.

"Solid Gold Soul" ~ Art Work By streetG33Kgirl
What drives you to create?
I love the grittiness of daily life in the city. I can be heart-breaking, gut-wrenching and inspiring all at once. Also, because of my love of cheesy Sci-Fi and a certain widely popular online game, I am always inspired.
I have a new piece I am in the middle of that finally releases more of that geekiness. The main driving force is to get better. I have been blessed that I have sold pieces and have active commissions I am working on. The fact I have been asked to collaborate with an internationally known photographer was a huge “OMG!”
Lastly, do you have any words of advice for young lesbian/queer artists out there?
Get involved in your local art scene. There is a huge resurgence to show independent art. Let us hope the Thomas Kincade mall gallery days are over! Many restaurants, hair salons, coffee shops are getting in on the act. Luckily, the art community is very gay friendly. I would say, just do your art as you see it. It’s a great way to express yourself and let out all the emotions we carry. There is plenty of work I do and then throw away because I just had to get something out at that moment.
I’m impressed. I love her style. I would totally hang either one of those on my wall. When and where is her next show?
WOWZA that’s hot!!! I love the boobies with the headphones, now that’s STREET!!!!! Of course you and Remi have friends like this. Damn I’m so jealous.
Thanks Sasha for introducing Streetg33kgirl to us. I’m a fan! 🙂
Yes, streetG33Kgirl is A M A Z I N G!!!! Totally into it. Where is her next show going to be?
Great stuff! There’s several in her gallery I would like to have. Let me guess which is your favorite Sasha….Corgi Nerd? She has a humorous back kick to some serious art.
Haha! Yessssss I love that one, but I love all of them. The Beats is one that I would love to have on our wall over our couch. Just HUGE and bad ass. I love her stuff. To be honest, I just found out how incredible she is!!!! She was telling me she was doing her “little art stuff” and I was like, “Oh thats cool.” But I had NO IDEA how freaking cool it was!!! I was blown away. To say she is humble is the understatement of the year.
It’s definitely heavy-weight and sophisticated work, which makes it all the more adorable that she would refer to it as her “little art stuff”. I think I like her very much!
Sasha you find such talented artist, writers and musicians! ( of course u are crazy good talented in writing too)
Loved her work. I’m a “bit” older and not so street smart so I don’t “get” all of it. The Zombie Smurf and the Corgi Dork struck chords though!
Does anyone have contact information for this artist? I love her work and want to buy some of her art. Please let me know.